The Launchpad

From here you can find everything I do and how to get hold of me. Or most of it. Whatever I can link to, anyway. Explore at your leisure. I called this page The Launchpad because you launch from here to other stuff, but also after the best side character from DuckTales, Launchpad McQuack.

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Sporadically I make short films with original music and publish them on my YouTube Channel. This is a screenshot from one of them, wherein I shaved after a month of growing a weak beard. They're often esoteric and sometimes just a meme, but they're always quite fun. Find them here.


I either produce, record or perform in a number of podcasts so they get their own page here. If you're just interested in Truesdale, the new show I star in, that's right here.


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For a selection of my writing (you know, the thing I study) you can go to one of a few places. If you want my fiction and poetry, go here. If you'd like to read my thoughts and non-fiction pieces, my blog is here. I also try and write bad, short jokes on Twitter, which is here.